List of all Ji sung's Kdramas, filmography from 1999 to 2021.
Did you know that Jisung's first Kdrama was KAIST? It was the year 1999, which was 22 years ago.
Since then Ji sung was able to position himself as one of the most beloved actors in South Korea and is continuing to be loved by fans all around the world!
The Devil Judge 2021 tvN (악마판사)
Doctor John 2019 SBS (의사요한)
Familiar Wife 2018 tvN (아는 와이프)
Innocent Defendant 2017 SBS (피고인)
Entertainer 2016 SBS (딴따라)
Kill me, Heal me 2015 MBC (킬미, 힐미)
Secret 2013 KBS (비밀)
The Great Seer 2012 SBS (대풍수)
Protect the Boss 2011 SBS (보스를 지켜라)
Royal family 2011 MBC (로열 패밀리)
Kim Su-ro, The Iron King 2010 MBC (김수로)
Swallow the Sun 2009 SBS (태양을 삼켜라)
New Heart 2007 MBC (뉴하트)
Beating Heart 2005 MBC (떨리는 가슴)
Save the Last Dance for Me 2004 SBS (마지막 춤은 나와 함께)
Terms of Endearment 2004 KBS (애정의 조건)
King’s Woman 2003 SBS 왕의 여자
All in 2003 SBS (올인)
It was really difficult to find photos and posters of the following Kdramas.
They were almost 20 years ago!
Days in the Sun 2002 KBS (햇빛사냥)
SBS 시트콤 레츠고 (특별출연)
Splendid Days 2001 SBS (화려한 시절)
The Law of Marriage 2001 MBC (결혼의 법칙)
Delicious Proposal 2001 MBC (맛있는 청혼)
I Want To Keep Seeing You 2000 SBS (자꾸만 보고싶네)
KAIST 1999 SBS (카이스트)
I hope you guys enjoyed the list and all the pictures of Ji Sung and the drama posters. It certainly felt like I was travelling to the past while I was writing this article.
I do not claim copyright to the photos that are used here. All photos belong to the rightful owners. Copyright infringement is not intended. The photos here are strictly for the enjoyment of the public and for the promotion of Ji sung.