Tune in for Love (유열의 음악앨범) Movie Synopsis, Starring Jung Hae in and Kim Go eun

It was a day when a Singer named Yoo yeol hosted a radio program as a DJ for the first time in the year 1994. Mi soo (Kim Go eun), was working in the bakery that her mom had inherited to her. Out of coincidence Hyun woo (Jung Hae in) walks in the bakery and Mi soo meets Hyun woo for the first time.

She feels a sudden attraction towards him but due to some unexpected and unforunate events they go their separate ways and at that time they did not have the means to find each other again.
“I was not expecting for you to return at that time, but I still waited…”

Luckily, their paths cross again and their feelings for each other just kept on growing. Fate, once again plays a trick on these two by separating them and then reuniting them over and over again but Love finds a way and they somehow keep their connection and find their way back to each other by tuning in to Yoo yeol’s radio program.

Will they be able to one day keep their frequency on the same channel for good?
#junghaein #kimgoeun #tuneinforlove