Gong Yoo's 2020 To-do list.
A video was released by the Entertainment Agency of Gong Yoon on Youtube on the 1st of March 2021. It was 5 months ago when the video was released and until this day the views of this video just barely hits 95K. Gong Yoo talks about his To-do list for the previous year 2020 and tells us about the things that he was able to achieve and how he spent the year 2020.
The list of to-do things that he enumerated were 1. Taking more care of this physical health. 2. To choose projects that he wants to do with the utmost conviction and 3. Lastly, go fishing and Diligently study English.
Gong yoo confesses that He was not able to study English that much due to his busy schedule but on the contrary, he mentions that he was able to go fishing many times in the previous year.^^
This part was kind of funny for me! by the last part of the clip Gong yoo was asked to pick 5 numbers for an event that their company was doing. The numbers were to be used to buy a lottery ticket and the reasons why he specifically picked the numbers all had a meaning for him.
I think this video deserves more views!
Hope you guys enjoy it!